
Technical musings and other tidbits

Moving to Hugo and GitHub Pages

[ general ] [ hugo ] [ github ]


I’ve been running my blog over on Ghost1 for a few years now. I really don’t have a lot of issues with it, except for the fact that I have to manage the server itself. I’ve been running a small Digital Ocean VPS for a number of years where I host my blog. Ghost itself goes through a lot of updates and keeping the application up to date was starting to become a hassle.

I was keen to move to a solution where I could

After looking at a few different solutions I ended up settling on a static site that was hosted through GitHub. The benefits of this was that

Of course, not all static sites are created the same. I specifically settled on Hugo to power my static site.


Unlike more traditional blogging software (WordPress, Ghost, etc.) which saves your posts in a database, Hugo2 generates a bunch of static files (HTML) for each post. By doing this you’re still able to have the more complex features (tagging, drafts, pagination, themeing, etc.) but because Hugo pre-processes everything, you’re just left with a bunch of HTML files that represent your site. Once you’re happy, you can just sync the generated files with your server. In my case, I’m simply able to git add and git push my content to GitHub.

Dynamic Blogging Platforms

Lets look at Wordpress to contrast Hugo. WordPress is the most used blogging software in the world and has the following requirements:

The implicit requirement is also a server that supports these two. That means you are either relying on a 3rd party host that manages the server and just exposes the Wordpress interface… or you are managing that server yourself.

Most blogging systems work this way - Some language requirement, and some database system for storing the data you create.

However, there’s lots of additional caveats that you aren’t normally aware of, that tend to bite you later:

That’s a heck of a lot of stuff for something that’s supposed to be easy. And I just picked WordPress because it’s popular. Almost every blogging system is the same way.

Except for static site generators.

Static Site Generators

Static Site Generators are a different way to approach blogging that merges more recent tooling with traditional delivery methods. That’s just a fancy way of saying Static Site Generators give you some tooling to generate a bunch of HTML documents that represent your site.

With Hugo, I install hugo locally.. write some markdown for my posts, and then use Hugo to generate the HTML for my site. With this, we bring our “management” layer down to:

Hugo runs locally, so the surface of attack is pretty minimal. There’s nothing really wrong with running an outdated version of Hugo except you won’t get the most recent features/bug fixes. But there’s no security implications of doing so.

Since the output from Static Site Generators is just .. static content it can be hosted anywhere. You can use a hosting provider, a VPS, S3+CloudFront, or.. GitHub Pages!

GitHub Pages

GitHub pages is a feature of GitHub that is available to all accounts, regardless of subscription. GitHub pages allows you to serve static content from any repository you’d like. They have some rules around how you need to organize your code and how to configure your site (project vs. main) but it’s all relatively straight forward.

I haven’t really hosted much on GitHub pages, but it’s very easy - They also have a great walkthrough page3 that shows you how to configure the kind of Static Site you want to host.

Project Configuration

I’m not going to go into too much detail, because both Hugo and GitHub have very good introductions, but this should be enough to get a site running.

Installing Hugo

Installing Hugo can be done from a terminal in your chosen operating system. There are alternate installation instructions available if you don’t have brew installed or if you don’t have a mac4.

brew install hugo

Setup Hugo

Open up your terminal, and navigate to the place you want to store your website. Then you can run the following command:

hugo new site mysite

This creates a new folder called mysite that contains the raw files for your static site. At this point you don’t have anything generated just the files that will eventually be compiled into your static site.

You can install a theme by doing the following:

git init
git submodule add https://github.com/budparr/gohugo-theme-ananke.git themes/ananke

You can actually choose whatever theme you would like from https://themes.gohugo.io/ 5and just replace the git submodule line with the instructions from your theme.

Line 1 creates a git repository in the mysite directory. We want this because themes in Hugo are installed via git submodule which clones a particular repository into the current one. It also allows you to save the raw site (before static generation) to git!

Now it’s time to head over to your config.toml file and set up the defaults for your website. My config file looks like this. You only really need the configurations on the first 9 lines. The rest are just further configurations6 that I’ve made.

baseURL = "https://xangelo.ca"
theme = "plain"
title = "Xangelo.ca"
author = "Angelo R"
copyright = "Copyright © 2011 - 2020"
paginate = 15
languageCode = "en-us"
enableInlineShortcodes = true
footnoteReturnLinkContents = "^"

subtitle = "Technical musings and other tidbits"

lineNos = true
lineNumbersInTable = true
style = "vs"
tabWidth = 2
endLevel = 3
ordered = true
startLevel = 2

Create and test!

Hugo ships with a built in server that allows you to preview what your site will end up looking like, you can start it up with:

hugo server -w

This creates the server and the -w flag sets it to “watch”. Any changes that are made will automatically reload the server and also reload the site. You can visit this site by navigating to https://localhost:1313 in your browser.

You can create a new post by using hugo new posts/welcome.md. This creates a new Markdown file in the posts/ directory.

You can go ahead and edit that file - saving it will cause Hugo to live reload the website.

Publish your site!

Once you’re happy with your stuff, you can turn off the live-reloading server and run the hugo command. This parses all your information and generates the static files for your website. It will then put all this content in the public/ directory. If you followed the instructions from earlier around setting up GitHub Pages, you can cd into the public/ directory and set it up as another git repository.

then running git push will publish your static files to whatever GitHub repository you configured to host the site.

Wrapping Up

I haven’t really dug too much into setting up GitHub pages because it’s mostly clicking around the interface and the instructions for that are kept up to date 3. I highly recommend GitHub pages because of the ease of setting up

I also highly suggest you spend some time going through the themes5 on Hugo to find one that you really like. There are so many and it’s so easy to make new themes that you’ll definitely find one you like.


  1. Ghost, a node.js based blogging engine: https://ghost.org/ ↩︎

  2. Hugo, static site generatror: https://gohugo.io ↩︎

  3. GitHub Pages setup: https://pages.github.com/ ↩︎ ↩︎

  4. Hugo installation: https://gohugo.io/getting-started/installing ↩︎

  5. Hugo themes: https://themes.gohugo.io/ ↩︎ ↩︎

  6. Hugo configuration options: https://gohugo.io/getting-started/configuration-markup ↩︎

Posted Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Source: http://xangelo.ca/posts/hugo-github/, 2020-06-03